BLOG (March 2006 - March 2009)


October 31, 2006

[31.10.2006] Lake

If you are a regular browser to my blog it may have been evident I have been having some trouble inspiring myself into creating works of a various description in the past month or so.

I left my post graduate study at the University of Adelaide in mid-September to take up a job that I was offered at the Australian Network for Art and Technology working in administration and records management. (n.b. This is not the only reason I left of course, and the muddy prints of this affair are peppered throughout this blogs archive.) The ANAT job has a represented dramatic shift away from the way I have been used to working in the past with the most notable feature being routine (shock horror..) Such a change to my day to day work habits has definitely caused some kind of alteration to the way in which I construct ideas and disseminate information, this would explain to some extent the bout of creative impotence I've been experiencing of late.

There's a lake down the road from where I live in Stirling and I've been visiting it and the surrounding nature reserve of late, trying to find some reconnection with where my artistic endeavors were situated around the time I left post-grad. As I was becoming more pre-occupied with aspects of ecology and nautral phenomena, observations of wind through trees, ripples in water and the flight patterns and songs of birds have reminded me of what I was looking to focus on in the research topic. Of course, it has become even more evident how much I had (deliberatly) forgotten about the research, almost as if my head had been aired out with all of the academic rhetoric being done with. I am in no doubt that overanalysis of the topic rendered it useless towards the end of my Uni tenure, I've only just had the courage to look at some of the proposals of my rejected topic outline to see how bad my writing had become at this stage. That said, I wouldn't say the topic itself is not relevant or capable of being revisted in the future. For now I'm just happy being a quiet observer. I have ideas about things I'd like to create and draw attention to, and I'm sure something will accumulate before too long.

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